Thursday, June 3, 2021

Signs you need more coolant in your life (and in your car)

 Summer is hard on your car - there's no getting around it. The sun beating down can take a toll on your car's paint and interior, and the heat means your ride is working overtime every single day that you hit the road. Keeping everything protected AND at the right temperature is essential until things cool down again in the fall. 

Car coolant is king this summer 

That's why it's critical to keep an eye on the fluids under the hood - in particular, the coolant. We're here with Orlando Toyota service tips to help you check coolant levels, spot issues, and keep your ride cool all summer long. 

Coolant in car

First, know how to check your car coolant. Turn your car off and let it cool down; it's best to check this fluid when the car is cold. When you pop the hood, you'll want to look for the coolant reservoir. You can usually see the level from the outside since the tank is semi-transparent, but you can also unscrew the cap and take a look inside to see what level the coolant is at. If it's below the "full" line, you may want to add more, but make sure the car is cooled off first (you should never add coolant to a hot vehicle). 

Also, take a look at the coolant itself. If it's got an oily surface, looks sludgy, or has debris in it, you need to schedule auto service at Toyota of Orlando to have our techs take a look and likely do a coolant flush to prevent damage to your car's engine. 

Toyota of Orlando talks signs to look out for 

Next, you should know how to spot that coolant is low. Here are some giveaway signs that you either need to add more or you need to schedule an auto service appointment at Toyota of Orlando. 

  • You can actually see in the reservoir that the level is too low. 
  • The coolant dash light turns on. (Duh.)
  • Your car temperature gauge shoots up - it should rest in between the "H" and "C" on the gauge. If it's pointing to "Hot", then you know you need more coolant. 
  • You see puddles under the car. Take a closer look - if they're green, blue, or red, you may have a coolant leak and your coolant reservoir could be emptying itself out. 
  • You can smell coolant. It has sort of a sickly-sweet smell to it because of the anti-freeze in it - if you catch a whiff, you likely have a leak. 
Orlando car care tips

Remember, driving your Orlando Toyota when the coolant is low is one of the worst things you can do. Be sure to regularly check your coolant throughout the entire summer and if you spot any issues or suspect it's low, bring it to Toyota of Orlando ASAP. Our techs can check your entire system and get you back on the road in no time. 

Visit our Toyota service center today at 3575 Vineland Road OR call us to schedule an appointment at (407) 298-0001. 

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