Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Safe driving around school buses: Toyota of Orlando tips


School is back in session in Orlando, which means that (even though things are a bit different this year), school buses will be back on the roads. When you drive around buses there are certain rules you need to follow and certain adjustments you need to make to your driving habits for your safety and the safety of those on the bus (and around you in other cars!). Toyota of Orlando is here with a quick guide of safe driving tips when you hit the road and encounter school buses. 

4 tips for safe driving around school buses

Tip #1: Do away with all distractions and be ready to stop. 

School buses come to frequent stops to load and unload passengers, as well as at railroad crossings. When you drive around and behind them, you need to practice your best safe driving habits, with number one being doing away with all distractions and keeping your focus on the road. (AKA no texting!) This will ensure you're ready to stop whenever the bus does, even if it's unexpected, and even if you're not driving in a school zone

driving around school buses

Tip #2: Don't follow too closely. 

You should never follow a school bus too closely because you never know when they're going to come to a stop to load or unload passengers. Be sure to practice defensive safe driving skills and leave at least "2 seconds" of space in between you and the bus - when the bus passes a landmark like a tree or mailbox, count. You shouldn't pass the same landmark until at least 2 seconds later. You should also never pass a bus on the right, as that's where passengers load and unload. 

Tip #3: Know the laws regarding school buses. 

There are certain laws that apply when it comes to safe driving around school buses. Our Orlando Toyota experts have the basic breakdown here. 

  • When you're driving on the same side of the road as the school bus, you MUST come to a stop when it does to ensure the safety of the passengers loading and unloading. 
  • When you're driving on the opposite side of the road, you MUST come to a stop when the school bus does unless there's a raised barrier OR a median of at least 5 feet wide separating the lanes. 
back to school driving tips

Tip #4: Don't drive in the bus' blind spot. 

School buses are big and in turn, they have big blind spots. You don't want to drive in their blind spots for too long because they might change lanes or turn and not see you, which could result in an accident. For the best safe driving practices, always make sure you can see their mirrors (this means they can see you) unless you're quickly and carefully passing them on the left. 

Call us with all of your safe driving questions today! 

Have more questions about back to school service and safe driving, school bus safety, or driving in school zones? Call Toyota of Orlando today at (407) 298-4500! 

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