Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Do you really have to replace your car's timing belt?

No one wants to pay for auto repairs.

We get it! You've got other expenses and the last thing you want to do is shell out for a repair, even if it's an affordable one. However, there are some auto repairs you just don't want to put off because waiting will only make things even costlier to fix. One of these essential repairs is replacing your timing belt, and our Orlando Toyota dealership is here to explain why this repair is one you'll want to take care of ASAP.

auto repairs in Orlando FL

Why is this part so important? Toyota of Orlando explains. 

First, let's talk about what a timing belt does so you can understand why it plays such an important part in what goes on under the hood. This very important auto part is part of your internal combustion engine; it synchronizes the rotations of the crankshaft and camshaft so the engine's valves open and close at the right times. Basically, it keeps things running in time under the hood so your engine can get you where you need to go.

So what happens when it fails? As you can imagine, the damage can be catastrophic to your engine. When the timing belt fails, your car will at the very least stall out and not be able to start up again until you replace it. Worst case, your engine will break down entirely and the belt will cause extensive damage to the valves, pistons, and even the cylinder head and engine block.

However, the timing belt will have to be replaced eventually no matter how well you care for your car. Over time, the belt starts to wear down due to normal wear and tear as well as oil and debris taking their toll on it. It can be expensive to replace - the part itself doesn't cost that much, but it requires a lot of intense labor to remove the old belt, install the new one, and make sure that it's installed with the correct tension AND set to the right synchronization. However, if you don't take the time to replace it, you'll face a lot higher of a bill for repairing your engine.

Toyota of Orlando repairs

Signs you need to replace your timing belt at Toyota of Orlando

Here are some signs you may be due for a timing belt replacement:

  • You hear an odd ticking noise coming from the engine bay. This means the belt is starting to wear out. 
  • Your engine won't start. You can typically hear the starter engage but the engine won't turn over or ignite. 
  • Your engine misfires while your car is in motion. This stems from the belt slipping occasionally but then reengaging. 

Think you need to schedule a timing belt replacement? Call Toyota of Orlando today! We're open seven days a week at 3575 Vineland Road and you can reach our techs at (407) 298-4500.

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