Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Used Car Buying Red Flags to Watch Out For

 Shopping for a car can prove to be quite financially overwhelming. Between down payments, monthly payments, insurance, and more, it can feel like you're going to be sinking a lot of money into a depreciating asset when all is said and done. A great way to circumvent this issue is by buying a used car instead of something new off the lot. This helps drivers avoid depreciation and get a car that's essentially new and already broken in/had its first round of maintenance. But, this does come with risks. There's never a total guarantee that the used vehicle you decide to drive home is the most reliable and technologically sound, but there are some signs you can watch for to make sure you don't get into a lemon

Wondering what those signs are? Toyota of Orlando is here with the skinny. Let's go!

Orlando used car shopping tips.

Watch for These Signs When Used Car Shopping

There's Dirty Motor Oil

A good rule of thumb for any Orlando used car seller is to run a new arrival through a preliminary round of auto service and maintenance to ensure that the vehicle is up to par with standards for sale. If you're able to check the oil and fluids during your buying process and notice that the oil is dirty or old, this could spell problems fast. This means that the vehicle was likely not maintained recently and other issues could be going unnoticed. Buyer beware. 

The Car Smells Like it Smoked 2 Packs a Day

Cigarette smoke is one of the hardest odors to get rid of once it attaches to a used car's interior. Pay attention for this smell when checking out the Orlando car you're looking to buy. If you smell a faint odor masked by large amounts of air freshener, turn your nose to something else. This smells is virtually impossible to remove (unless you gut the interior completely) and will ruin your driving experience quickly. 

Obvious Accident Damage

Accidents happen to the best of us and it doesn't always mean that you're going to be buying a lemon. But, if you notice that there are unrepaired damages then it might be time to reconsider. You should always request a vehicle history report and ask as many questions about the damage and it's repair before you buy. 

Obvious Band-Aid Fixes

These types of amateur repairs are meant to stay hidden, but if you look closely enough you can find them. Look over the Orlando used car with a fine toothed comb and look for exterior defects, sloppily repaired interior damage, and bad auto service mishaps. They might be hard to spot, but you can find them if you're thorough. 

Non Existent Records

While a vehicle history report can tell you some things, they won't tell you everything. When looking at a used vehicle, ask for a clearer auto service record in conjunction with the vehicle history. This can tell you how well or poorly the vehicle was maintained by the previous owner. It never hurts to ask!

Obvious Neglect

If you see an overabundance of damages like dings, scratches, obnoxious odors, stains, and so on, then it's likely that the used car has been pretty well neglected. These vehicles are best avoided. 

Ready to shop for a quality used car from Toyota of Orlando? Visit the dealership at 3575 Vineland Road today! 

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