Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Is Your Car Getting Old? Here's Some Auto Service You Should Do

Your car is both machine and best friend. While we won't go so far as to say you should have a heart to heart with your car (people would probably think it's weird that you're conversing with a car), your car does a lot for you. All the times it got you where you needed to go, the countless times you used it as a storage unit, and all the messes it's endured. All for you. After all this time it's likely that your ride has started to sprout gray hairs but you want to stick by it like it has you. 

If you're someone who wants to stay true to their ride, whether that be for financial or emotional reasons, there are several auto service things you can do to give it a much needed refresh. Toyota of Orlando has the deets so you can get started!

Orlando auto service tips.

Keeping Things Fresh in Your Old Ride

This process might seem a little reminiscent of the movie "Wild Hogs (terrible movie, by the way)," but reviving your ride actually comes with a lot of benefit. You get to continue driving the car you (hopefully) love and are used to and it saves you a lot of money. Here are a few auto service jobs you should do to keep your ride running like new. 

Routine, But Makes All the Difference

Being a diligent Orlando Toyota driver, you've likely kept up with all your routine auto service. If not, it might be too late for your ride. But, in any case, a great thing to do to refresh your ride is make sure you take care of some pretty routine things like fluid changes/flushes, oil changes, tire rotations, and so on. This can help prevent major mechanical failure if done routinely and is absolutely important if you plan on keeping your aging ride going. 

Time for a Bath

Nothing brings out the age of a car quite like dirt and grime. To get that youthful glow back, you're going to want to give your Orlando Toyota car a thorough cleaning. We're talking, inside, outside, underneath, cracks, crevices, the whole shebang. For this auto service step we recommend using a quality soap, applying wax, using interior specific cleaner, and vacuuming every nook and cranny you can get to. While you do this, keep in mind any damages you come across. 

Toyota of Orlando auto service tips.

It's All About the Little Things

Your aging ride is a delicate balancing act. You should always keep in mind a resale value figure so as to budget your auto service needs. If a repair exceeds the overall cost of return on your car then the best thing to do is some end of life care. With that in mind, refer back to that damages list you made earlier and start fixing them, DIY style! Interior blemishes, loose or damages accent pieces on the exterior, and more can all be repaired yourself without any major spending involved. 

Add Some Tech

One of the annoying things about driving an older vehicle is the speed at which technology moves on. If you're still driving something that needs a tape player adapter aux cord, it's time to upgrade! Consider adding things like a wireless charger on your dashboard, a new infotainment system, organizing tools, and so on. 

No More Stains

It's highly unlikely your car's interior been spotless throughout your entire time of ownership. Especially if you're someone who likes coffee (and spilling it). But, worry no more. Simply make a solution out of warm water, white vinegar, and a dash of dish soap. Before you start wiping away the stain, dry wipe it to loosen up the dirt and grime of the stain (brushing works very well here). Then, spray the towel (NOT the surface) and start scrubbing. This should take care of stains on your headliner, seats, and floor in no time! 

Ready to get started? Toyota of Orlando is here to help with all your auto service needs. Visit the dealership at 3575 Vineland Road today!

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