Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Driving in a construction zone: 8 tips

 No matter where you drive in Orlando, you're likely to encounter construction zones from time to time (especially if you drive on I-4, which seems to be perpetually under construction). These zones require a shift in your drive habits for your own safety and also to ensure you're following the law. Toyota of Orlando is here with tips to help you do it - check out this helpful info on how to drive in a construction zone before you hit the road again. 

Toyota of Orlando tips

8 tips for taking on construction zones 

#1: Reduce your speed. 

When you're driving in a construction zone, you should drop your speed. You'll likely have to anyway; speeds are typically reduced in these zones because workers are present. A slower speed will give you more reaction time should you need to change lanes, brake, or get out of the way of something. Also, remember that speeding fines are doubled and even sometimes tripled in these zones. 

#2: Pay close attention to road signs. 

There may also be new road signs in construction zones noting a different speed limit, lane changes, merges, and more. Pay close attention to the signs so you know how to safely navigate your Orlando Toyota through it. 

#3: Obey the flaggers. 

The flaggers are there to direct traffic and help you safely and efficiently navigate the construction zone, so you should pay close attention to them and follow their instructions. Blowing past them and ignoring their directions puts both you and them in danger! 

#4: Use defensive driving skills. 

If there was ever a time and place to use your defensive driving skills, this would be it! Pay close attention to your surroundings and the vehicles around you so you can proactively avoid an accident instead of just reacting to one as it's happening. 

#5: Put the "take 10" rule into play. 

When you change lanes, use the "take 10" rule. Signal with your turn signal for three full seconds before moving, and then use the remaining seven seconds to make your way over into the next lane. This gives drivers around you plenty of time to notice and if necessary, react to your movements. 

driving safety

#6: Be ready for anything. 

Construction zones are wild cards and you never know what's going to happen in them, so be sure you pay attention. Don't engage in any distracted driving habits (like using your phone or playing with the radio) and keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road at all times. 

#7: Prepare for delays. 

If you know you're going to hit a construction zone during your commute, be prepared for delays and slowdowns and adjust your timing accordingly so you're not late to your final destination. Don't be tempted to speed or drive aggressively to make up the time! 

#8: Follow the rules until you're out of the construction zone. 

You may be tempted to hit the gas because you can see the end of the zone coming up, but don't. You should follow the rules until you're well clear of the zone for safety's sake (and to avoid a big ticket). 

Call Toyota of Orlando today with questions 

Have questions about driving in construction zones or need auto service or repairs after navigating one? Call us today! Toyota of Orlando is open seven days a week at (407) 298-4500. 

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