Thursday, August 1, 2019

Toyota of Orlando's List of the Most Expensive Auto Repair Jobs

Owning a vehicle spells independence and freedom. There's nothing to stop you from getting behind the wheel and driving wherever your heart desires (except maybe gas prices). While it's easy to get caught up in all the great things about having your own set of wheels to drive around with, you can't forget that being a vehicle means you're responsible for auto repairs. While these costs can be minimal if you regularly service your vehicle, there comes the occasional major repair that can really put a dent in your wallet and make you question whether having a car is worth it or not. Our auto service experts here at Toyota of Orlando have seen a thing or two when it comes to repairing vehicles and we've cataloged some of the more expensive repairs they've worked on (plus how to avoid them).
Toyota of Orlando's List of the Most Expensive Auto Repair Jobs

When Auto Repairs Bite Big

Let's face it, no one likes paying for auto repair services. Whether it be an oil change or an engine swap, it means more money you have to spend on your Orlando Toyota vehicle. While auto service is inevitable, these bank breaking auto service jobs don't have to be. 

1) Blown Head Gasket

For vehicles that aren't kept up to date on auto service, a blown head gasket is fairly common. While that may be true, it's also true that this auto repair job will land you in a fair bit of financial hot water. A blown head gasket means spraying coolant, bellows of white smoke, and oil spray coming from your engine. Oh, did we mention that this auto repair job costs close to $2,000. To prevent this from happening, make sure to stay up to date on your auto service and have your coolant checked and replaced periodically. 

2) Broken A/C Compressor

Driving around Orlando without working A/C is one of the most horrible things imaginable. One cause for A/C failure is a damaged A/C compressor. This Orlando Toyota auto repair can cost you upwards of $500. Adding freon to your A/C system may help for a short time, but only a compressor replacement will truly solve the issue. 

3) Mass Airflow Sensor Replacement

Without a steady circulation of air, your engine's temperature would become unbearably hot. Your air filter and mass airflow sensor are both responsible for regulating this important function. If your filter isn't replaced or cleaned frequently enough you could wind up with a damaged sensor and be out $400. To keep this from happening, make sure you check your air filter periodically and have it cleaned. 

4) Brake Line Replacement

A big part of driving is being to stop when you need to and your brake line is responsible for making sure that happens. Replacing a brake line isn't ultimately too common, but when it needs to be done your wallet will definitely feel it. If a $1,000 price tag scares you then you'll want to make sure one of our Toyota of Orlando auto service techs regularly checks your brakes regularly. This can save you from having to shell out money for a brake line replacement in the future. 

Auto repairs are always a pain to pay for, but you can avoid the hugely expensive repair jobs by following these easy steps. If you need help taking care of your ride or with auto repairs, visit Toyota of Orlando seven days a week at 3575 Vineland Road. 

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